We can install and repair your Aluminium Doors, no matter where you are in Gloucestershire.
Door Doctors have been around for over 40 years now carrying out aluminium door repairs across the South West. We dont just install aluminium doors infact most of our work goes into repairing them. Our Aluminium door repairs service offers replacement of faulty door closers, changing of floor springs, replacement of drive arms, bottom pivots or changing locks. Our rates are very competitive and no matter where in the South West you are our prices remain the same. If you have an Aluminium door in need of repair.

Aluminium Door FAQs
Have more questions? Please get in touch
Aluminium provides a robust, strong door and will last a long time. Aluminium doors are pivoted on a bearing known as a bottom pivot and are controlled at the top with a concealed transom closer or face fix closer. Two options exist for the transom closers: a hold open or a non-hold open. The hold open closers will stay open at a 90* angle. Aluminium doors can be fitted with a variety of different locks. The door can consist of one piece of glass or split in to two. We would normally recommend two, since a mid-rail will help strengthen the door. The doors can be fitted with any type of handle and coloured to your requirements. The aluminium doors can also be made to open inwards or outwards and closing speeds can be adjusted to suit your needs.
Door closers - If your aluminium door starts to slam or just does not shut as it should, Door Doctors can also supply and fit your door with a new closer. We can replace any kind of door closer, whether a transom concealed closer or a face fix.
Bottom pivot - The bottom pivot is found on the bottom of your aluminium door. This is what the door hinges on. These tend to wear down, so if your door is scraping on the floor you're more than likely in need of a new one.
Top arms - The top arm is located at the top of the door. Its job is to connect your door to the closer. If your door is closing but still swings or the top of the door is loose, this is a sign of a faulty top arm.
Floor door closers - These do the same job as a door closers, but are situated in the floor. They're mainly used on glass doors but can also be used in other situations. If your door starts to slam, scrape the floor, or not close properly, it's probably time for a new one. Keep in mind that if you have floor door closers on glass doors and the glass is touching, this can be very dangerous and may cause the glass to smash.
Locks - Door Doctors can supply and fit any lock to any aluminium door.
Aluminium doors won't let you down unless you let them down, please don't wait until the door falls off. The longer you leave the door the worse it will become.
Is your Door in need of Annual Maintenance?
We also offer door service & maintenance packages for commercial doors on either an annual or six-monthly basis. As your door is normally the first point of entry to your business it makes sense to have it regularly serviced to avoid losing a morning, afternoon or even a days worth of trade because of a broken door.